

福特華人協會(FCA)将在Kensington Metropark (Site A, Eest Boat Launch) 举办2017夏季野餐聚会,恭邀各位会员、朋友届时参加共享密西根美麗夏日時光。

時間﹕ Saturday, August 19th, 2017, 12:00 noon – 5:00 pm

地點: Kensington Metro Park, Site A (Eest Boat Launch), 2240 West Buno Rd. Milford, MI 48380-4410

票價: Adults $10; Children/Senior free

野餐活動﹕Mini Kung Fu Camp, Water Balloon fight for Everybody, Lucky Draw, Kayak/Sailing, Beach Volleyball, Tug of War, and socializing with your old and new friends!!! You will be treated by an ice cream truck as well.

野餐美食: Featuring delicious Chinese food from Empire Dynasty (荔栈).

新活動: “Plant Swap”

We will have a Plant Swap throughout the picnic. You are welcomed to bring in your amazing plants, seeds, fruits, vegetables, to exchange with the people just like you. You can offer plants, cut bulbs for trade, make requests for what you are seeking, and get to know new friends!

We are looking for volunteers for food pickup, help onsite, photographing and games.

地点在公园的Shelter A:

聯繫人﹕ 福特華人協會Sun, Hong (hsun19@ford.com)

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